
1)Տեղադրիր բայերը համապաստասխան տեղերում:

(ran, jumped, pulled, made, learnt, was, ate, swallowed)

  1. The greedy hippo was a selfish animal.
  2. He ate the cat’s food, the dog’s food and the cow’s food too.
  3. One morning he jumped into the lake.
  4. The cat, the dog and the cow pulled him out.
  5. Hippo ran past them and ate everything on their table.
  6. The animals got very angry and they made him a pie from fish and soap.
  7. Hippo swallowed the pie. Oh, no! He had a tummy ache.
  8. He learnt his lesson and left the town. Bye, greedy Hippo.

2)Տեքստի ընդգծված նախադասությունները դարձրեք հարցական և ժխտական, այնուհետ գրեք ներկա ժամանակաձևով։

There was a greedy hippo

Was there a greedy hippo?

There was not a greedy hippo.

There is a greedy hippo.

He ate everything in sight.

Did he eat everything in sight ?

He didn’t eat everything in sight.

He is eating everything in sight.

The hippo began to shout.

Did the hippo begin to shout?

The hippo didn’t begin to shout.

The hippo is begining to shout.

They made a pie from fish and soap.

Did they make a pie from fish and soap?

They didn’t make a pie from fish and soap.

They are making a pie from fish and soap.

Hippo swallowed the special pie.

Did the hippo swallow special pie?

The hippo didn’t swallow special pie.

The hippo is swallowing special pie.

Hippo learnt his lesson and left the town.

Did Hippo learn his lesson and leave the town?

Hippo didn’t learn his lesson and leave the town.

Hippo is lerning his lesson and leaving the town

3)Անծանոթ բառերից ընտրիր 5  բառ և կազմիր նախադասություններ։

Vardan was a greedy boy.

The snake swallowed a mouse.

I like Sevan lake.

I don’t like selfish people.

My mother buy ice-cream speciall for me.

The Greedy Hippo

Posted on21


There was a greedy hippoHe ate everything in sight, from cheese to peas, chips and cakes.Hippo was selfish. He ate everybody’s food- the cat’s, the dog’, the cow’s. One morning  after breakfast he jumped into the lake and couldn’t  get out. That was a big mistake. The hippo began to shout.

”Help, please, I’m sinking. Pull me out”.

The animals pulled and pulled as hard as they could. The animals got angry and decided to play a trick on him. They made a pie from fish and soap.

”We have made a pie especially for you”.

”Thanks”, he said, ”I’ll eat it now”.

Hippo swallowed the special pie and went back into the lake. He felt sick. He had a tummy ache. The cooks were happy. Hippo learnt his lesson and left the town.


Postded on by Gayane Harutynyan

English | St Kieran's Catholic Primary School

 The Greedy Hippo The task is here.

Family reading

Fill in the correct form of the words in brackets (comparative or superlative).

  1. My house is bigger than yours.
  2. This flower is more beautiful than that one.
  3. This is the most interesting book I have ever read.
  4. Non-smokers usually live longer than smokers.
  5. Which is the most dangerous animal in the world?
  6. A holiday by the sea is better than a holiday in the mountains.
  7. It is strange but often a coke is more expensive than a beer.
  8. Who is the richest woman on earth?
  9. The weather this summer is even worse than last summer.
  10. He was the cleverest thief of all.